Looking for ways to be a more productive stay at home mom? You are not alone! I’m always looking for ways to make the hours I have in a day, as productive as possible. Wonder why? Hang on and I’ll explain why, as well as give you 3 ways you can be a more productive stay at home mom.
What If You Could Get It Free Instead?
Being a stay at home mom is not only hard, but it usually doesn’t pay the bills either (boy do I wish it would)! What if I told you that there are 5 things you already pay for that you could get for FREE instead?
There is! Luckily for you, I’ve created a list of these 5 things you already pay for that you could be getting for free instead, in my handy Get It Free Checklist!
Get this checklist now – don’t wait! Because I want you to afford the stay at home mom life, you need to make sure you get as many things as you can for free, and this checklist is the prefect place to start! Sign up below and I’ll send my Get It Free Checklist right to you!

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How to Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom
Let me explain how you can be a more productive stay at home mom. We all have just 24 hours in a day. Most of those hours are filled with sleep and necessary mom activities like cooking, cleaning, shuffling kids to school and activities.
By the time we complete daily mom duties, there is not much time left in the day to get all those other things done that are not as pressing, but just as important.
Things Come Up
There are always things that come up. Things that are out of our control. I know you completely understand too, because being a stay at home mom is hard! Kids get sick, toilets back up, refrigerators leak, and your plans of getting stuff done goes out the window.
I’d love to think that I use my time wisely, but that’s not always the case. There are many hours in a day when I don’t use the time that I do have very efficiently. I’m working on that, and below are a few things I’ve come up with to help me be a more productive stay at home mom, and I’m hoping they can help you too!
When life throws you a curve ball, or if you are just longing to be a more productive stay at home mom – try out these three ideas.
1. Use All Your Spare Moments
Use all your spare moments to get stuff done. This may sound silly, but I try to do this all the time. Use all your spare moments.
But Katrina, I don’t have any spare moments! Yes, you do! I promise you do, you just need to start looking for them. You have spare moments every day, moments that add up to minutes here and there.
Your spare moments might look like:
- Reading a few pages of a book when you are waiting in the school pickup line. For a great list of 6 books I recommend read this post – Money Saving Books Every Stay At Home Mom Needs.
- Reading a few pages of a book every time you use the bathroom – just keep that book handy in the magazine rack.
- Making a list of grocery items you need while you wait for your kids to pack up their back packs in the morning before school.
- Clip coupons while you wait for your Instant Pot to come to pressure.
- Fold a load of laundry while your Instant Pot cooks your meal.
- Browse the grocery ads while you wait for your kids at school.
- Listen to a podcast while you get ready for the day.
- Listen to an audio book while you take the dog for a walk.
- Walk your dog to school with your kids so you, the dog, and your kids get some exercise.
- Go for a run while listening to a podcast.
- Do some sit-ups while you watch your favorite TV show.
- Make your to-do list while you wait for your kids to finish soccer practice.
- Scan your Fetch and Ibotta receipts while you eat lunch. If you are new to Fetch and Ibotta – read this post, 4 Must-Have Apps That Save and Pay You Money. You will want to get these apps right away to start saving extra money at the grocery store!
- Plan your weekly shopping list while your “help” your kids with homework.
- Clip, sort, and file your coupons while you watch your favorite TV show with your kids.
New to Ibotta? I love Ibotta – it’s my most favorite grocery savings app and I’d highly recommend you get it today! Read this post to learn more – Why You Should Use Ibotta To Save Money! You will want to start using both of these apps today to start saving extra at the grocery store!
Starting to understand what I mean when I say to use your spare moments? Double up all your tasks when you can. Try to do two or three things at the same time. Use all your spare moments in the day to get the small things done, and you will be on your way to being a more productive stay at home mom.

2. Make A To-Do List
Might sound silly, but making a to-do list is a great way to make you a more productive stay at home mom. Plus, it’s very cheap and simple to do. I like to use basic notebooks for my to-do lists, but you can use any type you like.
You might like to make lists on sticky notes, or memo pads, or a fancy three ring binder! Just decide what works best for you.
Commit to keeping your to-do list handy at all times. Plan to take it with you when you leave the house – I can’t even begin to tell you how many things I think of when I’m driving.

Take Your List With You
You will even find me hauling my notebook and a pencil with me to my bathroom in the mornings while I get ready for the day. I tend to think and plan while I’m doing my hair, and love to have my notebook handy. Keep your notebook with you wherever you go!
I makes lists all the time – otherwise I will forget. Being a stay at home mom is very hectic some days, and as long as I get the task on my to-do list, I won’t forget. Having a to-do list will help you remember all the things you need to do.
Hopefully you will also see some of the small tasks you can get done in your spare moments. You are one step ahead of most moms if you can just write down the things you need to do.
Make sure to cross things off your list when you finish them too!
Check One Thing Off Your To-Do List Right Now!
Before we move on to my final idea of how you can be a more productive stay at home mom, I want you to check one thing off your to-do list right now. Grab my Get It Free Checklist! If you haven’t signed up yet, do it now! It’s worth it, I promise!
3. Plan Your Dinner
I don’t know about you, but I save myself a lot of stress when I decide what I’m having for dinner that night, first thing in the morning. There is nothing worse than realizing at 4pm that I have no idea what I’m having for dinner.
I can save myself a lot of frustration and stress by simply planning what I’m going to have for dinner while I’m making breakfast. Planning your dinner is a great way to not only save money, but also a great way to be a more productive stay at home mom.
Just Plan Dinner For That Day
Don’t worry, you don’t have to go nuts trying to plan an elaborate week of meals – you just need to have a plan for your dinner that day.
As part of your regular morning tasks, just make sure you know what you are having for dinner that night, and that you set out the meat you need from your freezer.
A couple great ways to plan your dinner when you have not planned the whole week in advance is to stick to pantry staples. Open your pantry and plan a quick meal based off what you have in your pantry. I like to keep several pantry staples on hand, so I can throw together a quick meal any time. Read this post, 5 Homemade Pantry Staples You Should Be Making
Or you can use your Instant Pot to make a dinner in a pinch! Check out these 5 Frugal Instant Pot Recipes That I Love.
You Don’t Have To Change Everything
There you have it, three quick ways you can be a more productive stay at home mom – and the best part, you don’t really need to change very much of what you are currently doing to get there!
Just be conscience of the small moments you have during the day to get stuff done and take advantage of them! Try to be more aware of the time you spend waiting for your kids and how you could fill that extra 5 minutes while you wait. All those 5 minute time spots add up, and before you know it, you’ve checked the next item off your to-do list!

I know being a stay at home mom can pull you in a million different directions, all the time, but you can conquer the time you do have and make the most of it! I know you can! Let’s do this one together!
What are your best ways to get extra stuff done? Share with me your best way to be more productive! I’d love to know so I can adopt the idea too!
Wait, Before You Go…
Don’t forget to sign up for my exclusive freebie – Get It Free Checklist! You don’t want to miss this list – after all, it’s FREE for you! Snag your copy now before it’s gone!
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